The Academy offers entrance assessment and pre-employment testing for Law Enforcement, Fire Services, Dispatch Communications, and Corrections candidates.

Law Enforcement

POST Written – Pellet B Exam

In order to gain entry into a Basic Police Academy – Intensive Course (or the Basic Police Academy Modular Level One Course), you will need to take and receive passing scores for the POST Entry-level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB).

Click here to view Pellet B Test information, upcoming test dates, and make a reservation.

Physical Agility Exam

You will also need passing scores from the Physical Agility Exam.

Click here to view Physical Agility Exam information, upcoming exam dates, and make a reservation.

Physical Agility Practice Session

The Academy offers an instruction and practice session for the Physical Agility Exam which is scheduled and charged separately from the main exam.

Click here to view Physical Agility Exam practice session test information, view upcoming practice dates, and make a reservation.

Dispatch Communications

POST Written Dispatch Test

While the following tests are not required in order to register for The Academy’s Basic Dispatcher or Basic Dispatcher-Extended courses, agencies to which you may be applying might require a T-score from the POST Entry-level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery

Click here to view Written Dispatch exam information, upcoming test dates, and make a reservation.

CritiCall Dispatch Exam

In addition, the CritiCall Exam may be required by some agencies. Examinees may want to use the exam as a valuable hands-on tool to evaluate their abilities and overall interest in a career as a public safety dispatcher.

Click here to view CritiCall Dispatch exam information, upcoming test dates, and make a reservation.

National Testing Network

Some of our Law Enforcement agencies use the National Testing Network’s pre-employment written test administered by The Academy. If you need to register for the NTN Exam please click here to view test information, upcoming test dates or to make a reservation.

Fire Services

The National Testing Network’s pre-employment written test is administered by The Academy and is a testing instrument that may be required by certain fire agencies for which you are applying.